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TITP Program: Academic Partnerships with NEC Corporation India

Key Features


Period of Training

Trained individuals are sent to Japan for 'internship' for three to five years


Job Categories

As of March 2021, 84 job categories and 156 operations provided under TITP through which a candidate can participate


Trainings in India

Candidates are required to be trained by the Sending Organizations in the Kapanese language, Japanese lifestyle orientation & business etiquettes and relevant domain training


Return to India

After completion of the program, the trainees are expected to return to India and utilize the acquired skills in Japan

Program Flow

Alliance with Institutions  and  governments to spread awareness


Multiple Outreach Programs both virtual and in person with  career counselling

Enrolment and launch of training program

Onboarding candidates with complete legal compliance


Operating a 100% Residential Program for training in Japanese Language and Culture.

Assisting the Candidates to upgrade skills and appear for the certification exams.

Japanese Language and Culture Skills

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