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Japanese Govt Announces

MEXT Scholarships - 2021 for Admission - 2022

The applications for 2022 are open for four categories: Research, undergraduate, College of Technology and Specialized Training College. Online applications have been invited by the Japanese Ministry of Education for scholarships for Indian students to pursue higher education  at Japanese universities under the MEXT scholarship program 2022.


The purpose of these scholarship programs is to accept excellent human resources from foreign countries, including India, to Japan, as international students, to promote mutual understanding with foreign countries and to form human networks, to strengthen the educational and research abilities of Japanese universities, and to make international intellectual contributions.

Candidates can apply for the scholarship till May 16th for Post Graduation and 28th May for Under graduation. All details regarding application and eligibility are available at Embassy of Japan website at following links:

MEXT - For PG & Research


MEXT - For UG-College of Technology Students

MEXT - For UG-Specialized Training College Students

Jaceex-Japan Centre of Excellence will help the candidates to fill up the application form and guide on the courses and Study Japan Program.

Attention to Japanese Government Scholarship Applicants

All application procedures for Japanese Government (Ministry of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT) Scholarships are conducted through Japanese Embassies, Consulates in your countries, or institutions of higher education in Japan.

If you require any further information regarding Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships, please contact the Japanese Embassies, Consulates in your countries, or institutions of higher education in Japan where you wish to enroll.

No application fee is charged. Therefore, please be aware that organizations or individuals who charge application fees or deposits have no relation with the Japanese Government.


Owing to the ongoing situation related to COVID-19, there is a possibility that the application procedure could be changed or stopped at a later stage, and the Embassy may entirely cancel the selection of candidates of the scholarship programs, for the academic year 2022.

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